September ("septum" in Latin means "seven") was originally the seventh of the ten months on the oldest known Roman calendar, while the year of March was the first month until around 153 BCE. January and February were added at the beginning of the year after calendar reform, September became the ninth month, but did not change its name. And it had 29 days until the Julian Reformation, adding one day a month.
In many areas of the United States, the landscape has red, yellow, and orange colors. Leaves fall from the tree, children jumping into a pile of leaves and ripping them. The Fall, with its September lead, also brings some fabulous holidays including Halloween and Thanksgiving that take us into the season until the temperature starts to fall, the nights start getting longer. And then don't forget about the time of day when you set your watches an hour early and get an hour's sleep.
Plants and trees slow down as sunlight decreases in September. Grape harvest season begins, football season is hot. This is also the beginning of wearing a thin sweater on your T-shirt (but your shorts may remain.) September is also the month of birds and butterflies migrating through the sun. An excellent time for trekking and hiking to enjoy nature. To create this free time filled with fresh air activities, use the September 2020 calendar printable and plan your free time and note them on your free September 2020 calendar.
September is the time for children to return to school. While this is a great month for the coast, life in the cities gradually begins to be continuous. This means a lot of preparation, planning and adaptation. The summer dream is over, the realities and responsibilities of city life have begun. Wardrobe has started to be modified, children's schooling has to be purchased, and the house repaired before the cold weather arrives. To do all these things properly you need a free printable calendar. Meanwhile, you know that in September, you can still go swimming, on a picnic, so don't forget to include open air events in your Excel, PDF, Word, JPEG printable calendar. Holiday Destinations are becoming more attractive as heavy lights light up and crowds disperse. You must take a September vacation, even if it is short. So, don't forget to plan the month using your very effective September 2020 calendar template, take a break from responsibilities and enjoy September!
International Day of Peace (21 September Saturday)
International Peace Day is celebrated worldwide on 21 September every year. The General Assembly declared this day as a day to strengthen the ideals of peace among all nations and peoples. The United Nations member states adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals in 2015. The idea behind this adoption is to understand that it is not possible for all people to create a peaceful world without achieving economic and social development and to ensure that their rights are protected.
Sustainable goals cover a range of issues including poverty, hunger, health, education, climate change, gender equality, water, sanitation, energy, environment and social justice.
Unanimously established and declared in 1981 by a resolution of the United Nations, Peace Day presents a global date for all humanity, above all differences, for peace and for contributing to the creation of a culture of peace.
If you are committed to peace above all differences and lend a hand to building a culture of peace, Peace Day is a great way to spread ideas. So you can mark this day on your printable calendar and talk more about peace.
Autumn equinox (first day fall) (23 September, Monday)
The Autumnal Equinox is the astronomical beginning of fall in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere.
During the fall equinox, the Sun crosses the "celestial equator". Imagine a line that stretches the equator from north to south from the sky above the equator on Earth. The rays of the Sun are received equally by the two hemispheres of the Earth. The sun has risen in the afternoon, and as you can see it from the equator, the amount of night and day is almost equal to each other.
After the autumn equinox, the nights become longer and the days become shorter around Christmas until the December solstice.
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