November is the time when the cold season begins, the autumn dream ends, the fairy tale image of winter is at the door. The sweet autumn air of October has now been replaced by a cool dress. Although the sun reminded itself of an occasional appearance, November means a cloudy, closed and rainy season. Of course, this is very romantic for some! November is also a month of celebration, Christmas preparation, shopping and winter reception. The first month of December, the last day of November, begins to freeze. Thick clothes come out of the cupboards, heaters start burning, houses are repaired to prepare for the adverse conditions of winter weather. We are sure you will have a lot to do in November. Celebrations, thank you invitations and shopping will adequately fill your time. So, get a blank November 2020 calendar. You will see many benefits. If you have an online calendar, you can easily plan all of November. Whether you are working, being a student, being a housewife, being a teenager or being old, it is a good idea to plan with JPEG, PDF, Word, Excel printable calendars. !
November will be a precursor to a beautiful winter season for you. Now that the warm weather is over, enjoy the cold weather, snow, Christmas, lights, house parties, cinema nights, coffee and blankets until spring and summer return! If you have things to do before the end of the year or if you have things to finish, you can easily manage everything using the November 2020 calendar. Believe you, you will be very proud of yourself for being planned and targeted with the November 2020 calendar template!
Veterans Day (November 11, Monday)
Veterans Day (originally known as Armistice Day) is an official public holiday in the United States, celebrated annually on 11 November. The day aims to honor military veterans, individuals serving in the United States Armed Forces. It aims to coincide with other holidays celebrated in other countries, which celebrate the anniversary of the end of the First World War.
The major hostilities of the First World War formally ended on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, when a ceasefire with Germany came into force. Armastice Day was renamed Veterans Day in 1954, following requests from prominent American veterans.
Veterans Day is different from Memorial Day, another American public holiday celebrated in May. Veterans Day commemorates the service of all American military veterans, while Memorial Day honors those who were killed in military service. Another military holiday, Armed Forces Day, also takes place in May, and honors those currently serving in the US Army.
Because it is a federal holiday, some American workers and many students have taken leave from work or school. When Veterans Day falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday may be designated as a holiday, while if it falls on a Sunday it is celebrated on the following Monday.
On Veterans Day, non-essential federal government offices are closed. No mail is given and all federal employees are paid for the leave.
Veterans Day is held to honor and thank all military personnel, especially the surviving veterans, who served the United States in all wars. Commentary parades, church services and a period of silence last for 11 minutes. In many places, the American flag is hung at half mast.
If you want to be part of the parade and other comments on Veterans Day, you can use your November 2020 calendar with holidays to remember the date before arrival.
Thanks (November 28, Thursday)
Thanksgiving is a national holiday in the United States that is celebrated annually on the fourth Thursday of November. It first started as a harvest festival. Thanksgiving has been celebrated nationally since 1789, as requested by George Washington from Congress.
Thanksgiving continued intermittently until Abraham Lincoln became president, when Thanksgiving became a federal holiday in 1863 during the American Civil War. Lincoln announced that the last Thursday in November would be celebrated "to praise National Day and to commend our merciful father, who deviates in havan". President Franklin D. Roosevelt made little change in the date that the date was fixed as the fourth Thursday in November. With Christmas and New Year, Thanksgiving U.S. Extensive fall-winter is a part of the holiday season.
After their first harvest in the New World in October 1621, an event called "First Thanksgiving" was celebrated by pilgrims to the Americans. The feast lasted three days, and was attended by 90 Native Americans, as announced by contestant Edward Winslow. And 53 pilgrims.
Thanksgiving is a public holiday. It is a day off for the general population and schools, banks, post offices and most businesses
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